This first artist monograph on Massinissa Selmani gathers more than 130 drawings, photographs, animations and a foreword by the acclaimed writer Mathias Énard. Selmani’s aim is creating familiar yet juxtaposed social and political scenarios unlikely to happen in reality, and always balances these depictions within the realms of the comical and the tragic. In a sense, he minimalistically reflects and stages the daily absurdity that we experience throughout our lives. In 2015 Massinissa Selmani was selected by Okwui Enwezor for the 56th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, entitled All the World’s Futures, where he received a Special Mention. His work was also exhibited in 2015 at the 13th Biennale de Lyon, curated by Ralph Rugoff.
Détails du livre
Texte original
Oui -
Anglais -
Langue d'origine
Français -
Date de publication
Nombre de pages
105 -
À propos de l'auteur
Mathias Enard
Mathias Énard est écrivain. Lauréat du prix Goncourt 2015.